Flowers, chocolate, and giant stuffed bears are great and all but the single ladies of Ball State are a little more original, here is what we really want for V-day:
1. Ok we still want chocolate… but for it not to cost our whole meal swipe to get like two pieces.
2. Or just to eat all of the chocolate our moms sent us because honestly she’s the most reliable valentine there ever was.
3. To be able to eat all of the food in the Atrium and not gain any weight.
4. To find a place to park on campus during the weekends that’s not the football stadium parking lot because no one wants to relive freshman year.
5. For the Wi-Fi to actually work in the library but more important when we are trying to binge watch Netflix.
6. For Ball State to STOP sending us 50 emails a day that have no relevance to our majors/lives what so ever.
7. For the hot guy in the rec to notice us and look past the profuse sweating and out of shape panting.
8. For one of the Men’s Volleyball players to be our valentine and show up on our doorstep with flowers (seriously if any of you ever read this, call me).Â
9. Or baseball players; we’re really not picky.
10. To see "50 Shades of Grey" in a sketchy Muncie movie theatre with our friends and hope that Jamie Dornan lives up to our expectation of Christian Grey like we know Ben Affleck or Charlie Hunnam would have…
11. An unlimited supply of Cousin Vinny’s pizza after some questionable Friday and Saturday nights.
12. For our exes to be having a lonely, miserable Valentine's Day.