For those of you who don't know: Brooke Davis is a character from one of the most notorious TV shows, "One Tree Hill." She is a character many girls find themselves relating to and learning from. Just like every average teenaged to young adult girl, Brooke goes through her highs and lows throughout life. To this day, I would pinpoint her to be the most realistic fictional character on a TV show that many girls found themselves growing with. Even if you haven't watched the show or you don't know of her, you have a little bit of her in your soul. When the going gets tough, channel your inner B. Davis and always remember:
You're worth more than what people may label you to be.
Let people say what they want and label you however they may please. How you overcome the nonsense is what makes you you, along with being a much better person than those who are constantly trying to degrade you.
Embrace who you are.
You are you, and that's something to be pretty damn proud of.
Sometimes you just have to call people out on their bluff.
There's nothing wrong with standing your ground and speaking your mind when needed. Call someone out if they do you wrong, prove that you are not a doormat to be stepped all over. If people are constantly lying to you, why not play a little game of truth or dare, sans truth?
Don't settle.
Never settle for something you believe you deserve more than.
No one has (or ever will) walk a mile in your shoes.
...and if they did, they probably wouldn't last. People think they know you better than you know yourself, and that's just not the case. Don't let someone judge you based on what they think they know—stand your ground.
Don't compare your chapter one to someone else's chapter five.
It's the stage in life where everyone is growing up and no one is moving onto the real world at the same pace. Some are moving on much quicker than others, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. You can't compare your progress to someone else's. Everyone is unique in the ways they grow and how fast they grow, your time will come; don't rush it.
Accept that some people just don't belong in your life anymore.
If you find yourself missing someone and that person isn't putting in any effort to be in your life, it's time to let them go (friend or person of interest). Why waste your time missing someone who you're barely a thought to anymore?
Play hard to get.
What better way to find out if someone's feelings are genuine? If you play hard to get and they're willing to put up a fight, chances are things will work out in your favor.
And when things seem to be a little too much sometimes, there's nothing wrong with spending the night with a bottle of wine in hand.