If you've clicked on this, you are probably thinking I am going to tell you how to live your life.
But the truth is, I can't. No one can. This is your life, your journey. Who am I to tell you how to live it? I'm just a girl on the Internet, and maybe I think I know too much about the world. But what I'm about to tell you, I do know. And it is something I think every college student should understand, as they're struggling to find out who they are.
There are three types of people in this world — the kind who are too stubborn to listen to a single word others have to say, the kind who listen too much about what others have to say and then the perfect medium of someone who can take what others have to say to heart, but still do what they want.
The point I'm getting to is that you, as a college student, need to be the kind of person who does what they want — not what everyone else tells you to want. Being too stubborn or caring too much about what others say to you can really damage you. If you want to make new friends, do it. If you don't want to join a sorority, don't. This is your journey. People may say that you should want to be single in college, that you should want the highest paying job, that you should want to go to every party and that you should want to believe that these are the best years of your life. But this idea of college that everyone has in their heads is just an illusion. And the truth is, that this world of college is the most stressful, confusing, tiring and expensive experience you'll have.
What college really is, it is a place to be you. Make the most of it. But just remember that these may not be the best years of your life. There is a whole life ahead of you. If you're struggling, don't think you're not getting that "college experience" everyone has in their head. Because a college experience is not like in the movies; it's different for everyone.
Be the person who feels liberated enough to do what you want. Be in love, take risks, do something that scares you or something that you've always wanted to do. Again, I'm not trying to be the person who tells you how to live your life. You should be reading what I have to say and only taking pieces away from it that you believe or value — that you want.
As cliché as it sounds, be you. Don't do things you're not comfortable with or that you don't want to do just because people tell you that you should. Listen to your heart and keep your mind open; do what you want and someone will come to accept you and cherish you as much as you cherish yourself and your decisions.