This Is What Endometriosis Really Means | The Odyssey Online
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This Is What Endometriosis Really Means

What does it really mean to have endometriosis; beyond the medical definition.

This Is What Endometriosis Really Means

Have you heard about it before? Has someone you love ever told you that they had endometriosis? If so, you probably had no idea what they were talking about. Not many people do.

Endometriosis, medically, is a disease where the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus onto other organs. Whenever a woman starts her cycle, the shedding of the endometrium from the uterus happens. Because this tissue also grows on other organs, it sheds as well, causing extreme pain. Other symptoms include chronic pain, pelvic pain, infertility, along with many other symptoms. Endometriosis also brings along other medically conditions as well. Endometriosis is more than just a medical illness.

Endometriosis is laying on the bathroom floor in the fetal position while wiping tears off your face. It is intense cramping that won't go away, no matter how much you try. It is crying yourself to sleep and crying in the morning at the thought of having to do things throughout the day.

Endometriosis is multiple surgeries, countless doctor's appointments, and taking more medication than your grandmother. It is staring at the mirror counting how many scars you have. It's wishing you didn't look 4 months pregnant all the time due to bloating. It is wearing yoga pants almost 24/7 because they are the most comfortable and don't push on your stomach.

Endometriosis is hearing countless opinions from people saying, "Just get over it" or "If only you would exercise more, you'd feel better" or "It's just a bad period." All of us with endometriosis, including myself, have heard many different opinions from people who think they know what's best, even though they have never experienced it. It's hearing, "Oh I have bad periods too" and not wanting to slap that person because of how ignorant and uninformed they sound.

Endometriosis is sometimes putting your body through early menopause just to get some relief from the chronic symptoms of this monstrous disease. Endometriosis is the betrayal of your own body. It is never feeling normal again. It is not being able to imagine life without it.

Endometriosis is hearing the news that you may never be able to conceive a child of your own and if you do, it may be high risk. It is looking at every new mom with envy and praying to God that one day you are able to experience that joy.

Endometriosis is having two levels of pain: bearable and unbearable. It is sometimes not being able to work or even go to school. Some days you just stay in bed all day and wish you were working or studying at school. It is cancelling plans with friends last minute because you just cannot shake the pain. Endometriosis is feeling like you've won the lottery if you have one day pain free.

Endometriosis is having "endo friends" in Facebook groups where you can talk to people who understand. You can tell your story and ask for advice and discuss symptoms with people who go through the same thing and are often as discouraged as you.

Endometriosis is wearing yellow in March for National Endometriosis Awareness Month. It is having pictures on your phone of short descriptions of it for when people ask you the common question, "What is that?"

Endometriosis is hoping for a cure. It is often reminding others that there is NO CURE. Hysterectomies won't cure it. Pregnancy won't cure it. Pain killers won't cure it. Menopause won't cure it. Surgeries won't cure it. It is a CHRONIC ILLNESS, a CONSTANT BATTLE, and a LIFE LONG BURDEN.

So, the next time a loved one tells you they have endometriosis, don't give suggestions on what they could do to "get better." Just be there for them. Say, "I believe you." Saying you believe us means more to us than your suggestions.

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