What Employers Look For In A Background Check | The Odyssey Online
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What Employers Look For In A Background Check

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What Employers Look For In A Background Check

The hiring process can present confusion to many employees, and a background check is only one element of such a process. When it comes to background checks, most people commonly assume this process involves a simple criminal history check. However, it's paramount to understand that today they encompass far more. Background checks also review education and employment history, civil records, references, social media accounts and fingerprint checks.

What To Expect From A Background Check

In today's technological society, diverse screenings through background checks have become a regular process for many companies to undertake. In particular, this is true for those businesses working with finances, property or sensitive information. Although a background check's focal point tends to lie within verifying criminal records, there are a number of other factors that must be taken into consideration.

According to a study conducted by HireRight, 84% of background screenings contain a criminal record check, whilst credit history (28%) and social media (11%) are to be found on the opposite side of the spectrum. Down below we can dive into how these numbers break down.

  • 84% Criminal records
  • 72% Previous Employment/References
  • 67% Identity
  • 49% Education Verification
  • 49% Motor Vehicle Records
  • 28% Credit History
  • 13% Finger Prints
  • 11% Social Media

Although an employer's background check most commonly doesn't take place until a conditional job offer has been submitted, it's safe to say an untold truth is never a good path to go down.

Do Traffic Tickets Show Up On Criminal Records?

We're human beings. We're bound to make mistakes here and there. In relation to whether your traffic tickets will have a negative impact on the potential for you to be hired, in most cases the answer is no. The employer will usually need to run motor vehicle record checks to find out about your driving history.

Although, the question 'have you ever been convicted or arrested before?' is an entirely different issue to consider. If you have been caught for 'reckless driving' or 'driving under the influence', you may want to consider explaining that fact. This is especially crucial for anyone applying for a driving position, since your potential future employer will check for DUI.

Why Employers Request Background Checks

An increased number of backgrounds checks are being carried out each year and for good reason. According to HireRight, resume fabrication has significantly increased over the past five years. Previously, only 66% of employers said they had uncovered a misrepresentation on a resume. Today, 85% state they have found fabrications from job applicants. 77% also reported uncovered issues during the screening process from candidates that would have otherwise never been caught.


As employers are increasing the number of background checks requested each year, it's safe to say applicant compliance is becoming increasingly important for both applicants as well as employers. To make sure you have a positive background check experience, review your resume and consider job applications carefully before reaching out to submit an application. If you need further assistance, you can always reach out to a professional firm or a suitable lawyer in order to assist you with the process.

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