As an incoming freshman, it's hard not to buy everything in sight. I can remember telling my mom how much I needed something, and I have yet to use it. Try to buy only the essentials to begin with, and once you move in, you can decide if something is a need or a want. I created this list to help determine what typically isn't needed in your freshman dorms, and I hope you find it helpful as well!
A Printer
Your college provides many different options for printing, both in the residence halls and the library.
Desk Chair
It's typical for the college or university to provide a desk chair. If you bring your own, you will just be stuck with an extra chair taking up space in your small dorm room.
Cleaning Supplies
Who even cleans in college? Besides washing the dishes and maybe wiping down your desk or counter area, you really don't need any. If you do end up needing some Lysol or a vacuum, the front desk of your residence hall will most likely be able to help you out.
Clothes for Every Season
Chances are your closets are tiny and barely big enough to fit your clothes for just one season, let alone all four! Pack your absolute favorite clothing items and whatever you know you'll wear during the fall and winter or spring and summer semesters. You can always change out these clothes with you go home for break.
Stuffed Animals
LEAVE THESE AT HOME. They will clutter up your living space and probably make your roommate feel weird. Bring one for comfort, but the rest can stay in your room. At. Home.
Formal Clothes
You're just not going to need these. What are the chances you're going to get all fancy and go to a nice restaurant; you don't have money for it! Bring your casual, nice clothes and if you have a date or dinner with friends, you'll be covered.
All of Your Shoes
Take it from me, you don't need them all. Bring one pair of tennis shoes, one pair of nice shoes and a few pairs of casual shoes. With these you'll be okay for just about any occasion! The rest you can leave at home and bring back if you know for sure you are going to wear them.
If you're like me and love to read, only bring a few books. I know it's hard to leave your literature loves behind, but it's for the best. I brought all of my favorites, and I haven't even touched them. When you're packing for college you think you'll have a lot of free time, but it's the exact opposite in reality.
High School Clothing
Everyone knows you graduated from high school, there is no need to flaunt it. It's time to retire the letter jacket and move on to your college athletic wear.
Kitchen Utensils
You just don't need them! The food you eat when you're in the dorms will either be delivered, from your dining hall, or microwavable. Pots and pans are seldom needed, and if they are needed, you can ask to borrow one from another floor mate or the front desk of your residence hall.
These are just a few examples from my own freshman year at college. Of course, everyone is different and has different needs, so you're probably going to figure out what works best for you. Just be warned that it is highly likely that you will over pack for your first year of college (like I did). Good luck with your dorm planning!