There's a thought that often tries to slip into my mind. A thought that I usually try to push out because thinking about it scares me. A thought I've covered in prayer to no avail.
So here's the thought: I don't know who I am.
If that's not a scary thought, I'm not sure what is. The more I think about it, the more I believe that this isn't my singular issue. We all have things we do, places we live, and people we're related to; but when all of that is stripped away, what's left?
Who are you underneath it all?
The truth is, the things about us will let us down and they'll change. I won't keep my current job forever, you might switch your major, and friendships change.
So, what doesn't change?
I've thought about it, and the only thing I know of that doesn't change is God. Things cannot determine us, rather we need to allow God to tell us who we are.
So I'll continue to cover this thought in prayers, because I believe the Lord wants to tell us who we are, and I believe He's waiting for us to ask. It's scary to not know who you are, but it doesn't have to be for long.
I don't want us to get so caught up thinking about who we need to be, just to realize we don't even know who we are.