For the past week, the North Carolina State Fair has drawn thousands upon thousands of visitors to the City of Oaks, right down the road from the state capital. I found myself watching fireworks surrounded by a diverse crowd, eating fried food, playing games, and winning prizes; a celebration that takes place in nearly every state in America. Food stands and fair rides celebrate traditions, customs, and culture that North Carolina has proudly displayed starting in 1853. Whether you are young or old, there was something for everybody and we all have our favorites. What does your favorite fair food say about you?
Funnel Cake
You're classic. You can go to the fair (or other attractions) to walk around, take it all in, and then take part in any yearly traditions. Of course, once a year is enough of the fair for you, but traditions are traditions and you won't miss the opportunity to take a seat, enjoy the company of others, and people watch!
Fried Candy Bars
You're the fun one in your friend group. You go to the fair to ride the rides, see the animals, and the contests take place, and you'll probably be there more for than one night!
Candy Apple
You don't even care to go to the fair, as long as someone brings you back something tasty. You're not a party pooper, but you don't care for the crowds and it's probably the same thing every year, right? Skip the lines and the people, just give me my apples.
Turkey Leg
You've got it all figured out. You know that there's a time for business and a time to relax and let loose. Though sometimes the most awkward of the fair foods, you don't mind being a little unconventional-- you'll try anything!
Corn On the Cob
Meat on a Stick
Gator, bacon wrapped Chicken, Ostrich. There you go again, demanding everyone's attention, not following any of the rules. You can't decide who you're trying to impress, which makes others a little jealous. You just keep doing your thing.