I know how many of you are feeling. Defeated, ashamed, saddened, the list goes on. Donald Trump was selected and inaugurated to be our 45th president. For many of us, this means fear of what is to come. While I was following the election like most of you, I couldn't help but notice Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again."
Over the past few months, this election has only made our country divide even further than ever. Some have felt that Trump's election is a chance to reinforce their negative opinions and thoughts by using violent means.
Now back to where I talked about Trump's campaign slogan......
Our country is not great when signs supporting ethnicities are ripped and vandalized with "TRUMP NATION WHITES ONLY."
Our country is not great when middle school students 12-14 years old are chanting "Build the wall!" during their lunch time.
Our country is not great when African-American students are added to a racist GroupMe chat with a calendar invite to a "daily lynching" and sent violent threats under the name "Daddy Trump".
Our country is not great when a residence hall is vandalized with swastikas.
Our country is not great when a swastika and "Heil Trump" appear at a bus stop on a college campus.
Our country is not great when a Muslim is threatened for wearing a hijab to class.
Our country is not great when a group of young adults live stream their attack on a mentally disabled, Caucasian man and use racial slurs towards him.
Finally, our country is not great when violence is used in protests.
This weekend, if you are protesting, please do so peacefully and safely. As for everyone else, please put your judgments of others who are different than you aside. Instead of judging the person with the hijab, find out what it symbolizes. Find out the truth behind that hijab. Instead of judging the same sex couple you just saw holding hands and kissing, find out their love story. And instead of judging that woman's outfit, compliment her. Her outfit is not an excuse for lewd comments or to be seen as a sexualized object. She deserves to be seen equally as another person. America is the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Every American who lives in this wonderful country has the right to practice their religion freely, walk the streets without being afraid, and peacefully protest. In closing, the power of the people is greater than the people in power.