As America celebrates another birthday, we are faced with issues that are dividing this country currently. These issues range from the Iranian nuclear crisis to the 2020 presidential debate and even to the Colin Kaepernick Nike sneaker cancellation. It's almost as if the United States are the Divided States with how much hate our citizens have been giving one another lately. Back in 1776 our founding fathers signed the constitution giving us independence from Great Britain. Since then, we have been a world superpower and been the face of what a democracy should represent. During the end of the Obama administration and into the Trump administration, there has been controversy on who should be labeled as an American and who shouldn't. This blatant ideology of this should be thrown out the window. Whether you're white, black, Hispanic, Vietnamese, German, British, etc. you're an American as long as you don't judge people by their race, religion, or beliefs. Being American is being loyal to this country and helping out one another in times of hardships. Whether you are democrat or republican, that shouldn't matter because at the end of the day we all our human and our different ideologies shouldn't divide us to the point where we are losing friendships and saying hateful slurs to people we don't even know. If there is one day where we should all treat each other with respect and help one another out, it should be today. Happy Birthday America!