What does grilled cheese have to do with world poverty? A lot actually. FeelGood is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending extreme poverty by 2030, by selling grilled cheese. I know it sounds out there, but hear me out. It works.
So how does it work? Many campuses around the country have FeelGood chapter, in which a grilled cheese deli is hosted, and the money (donations) collected for the grilled cheese is given in and distributed to 4 charities: Choice Humanitarian, The Hunger Project, Water for People, and the Pachamama Alliance. That's obviously a simplified version, but that is the basis of this organization.
So why am I bringing this to your attention? Because it is important. Not only the mission that all chapter of FeelGood dedicates their time to but what it also what it gives to those involved. Everyone involved can generally agree Deli days, are the best days.
At DelVal, our delis are on Tuesdays, and it definately is the best day of the week. Recently I had been asked the question as to why exactly I am a part of this organization, and why I dedicate my time. One of the reasons is that simply, it is a way to do my part. It is an easy way to bring awareness, and help where help is needed. I come from a family of people who work to help people for a living. The ideals of my childhood through this has made a lasting impact on me, and the opportunity to help by doing something so simple to me.
If you would like to learn more about FeelGood, all that they do, and about each of the four charities, please visit http://www.feelgood.org/about/