One of my favorite aspects about concerts is that there are hundreds and thousands of people, who come from different backgrounds and lifestyles, that get together for one reason: For the love of the music (and for a good time, of course). People who attend the show could have been waiting months or even years to see the musician(s) and there are dozens upon dozens of different stories as to why a fan likes the artist/band they do.
During their show in St. Paul on Sunday, July 31st, I asked fans of 5 Seconds of Summer one simple question that resulted in an abundance of beautiful answers, "What does 5 Seconds of Summer mean to you?"
"It's like a long term feeling, it's kind of home for me." -Ally, 17
"They could be doing the dumbest sh*t and they'd still make me happy." -Rachel, 19
"They're my safe place. You can make friends so easily. It's like a getaway." -Nikki, 17
"They're like a family. They bring us all together. They make their fans feel connected and the connection is so real." -Lindsey, 17
"They're my sun, moon, world, and stars. They make me so happy. I've dealt with personal problems for so long and they're the ones who have gotten me through it." -Anonymous, 18
"5 Seconds of Summer means friendship. I've met so many different people through them. They're like a sense of adventure. I'm from Canada and I'd never travel across the border for anyone else. They give me so much confidence." -Richelle, 17
"Many hours, lots of money, lack of sleep, good vibes all the time." -Lexi, 17
"It's so hard to put into words. They're like my best friends, even though I don't know them. I just want them to know I'm always here for them and I wish I could help them the way that they've helped me." -Destiny, 15
"The way they make me feel, nobody else can make me feel that way. I feel like they care about me as much as I do them." -Samantha, 15
"They say to embrace your differences. They're like a rock you can lean on. They help everyone through hard times." -Sydney, 15
"They've got me into a lot of other bands. Their music is so unique and tied to so many other musicians." -Kelly, 15
"5SOS is my escape from people. You can drown out the world with their music." -Breeana Levette, 15
"They've always been there when no one else was. They've taught me the importance of being myself." -Katie, 15
"I have to wake up really early, we have to drive far, and we have to fly far. But it's nice to see how excited and happy [my daughter] is. This is something they'll have for the rest of their lives." -Stephanie, 44
"It's a sense of belonging." -Tiffany, 19
"A feeling of security." -Loralee, 19
"They're leaders. They write songs about real life stuff." -Larissa, 19
"It means I'm going to have Luke's grandchildren." -Mandy, 37
"I can be my weird self and not worry about it." -Hailey, 16
"They mean a lot to me. They changed my life so many times. They've saved me so much, they mean the world." -Heather, 14
"I don't want to go into depth, because I don't want to cry. I'll just simply say they've saved my life." -Allison, 18
"I love Luke." -"Minneapolis Mom", 56
"They helped me meet my best friend." -Abby, 17
"They've saved my life, they've helped me through hard times. Their songs really help. You get more friends because it's a family, not a fanbase. They just mean everything." -Adrien, 16
"Most of my friendships I have now are because of them. They bring happiness and they're someone you can rely on." -September, 21
"If I didn't have 5SOS, I don't know what I'd do. I've invested so much into them because everything about them makes me happy." -Melanie, 17
"I feel like they represent this generation really well. They talk about real life situations in their songs." -Beth, 17
"They're an escape from our own lives. People go through a lot of bad things and there are bad things in this world and listening to their music, watching their interviews, provides a good means of escape." -Noah, 19
"I like them because they're like an Aerosmith for girls. I think they're so much fun." -Demi, 54
"About 6 months ago I went through a really rough time. My best friend had killed himself and I had the day I was going to kill myself set, but then I remembered I was seeing 5SOS and I'm still here." -Emily, 16
"Everything. Life isn't the greatest. Every time I feel down, just looking at pictures of them makes me happy. Just seeing someone you've been waiting to see for so long is so worth it. I love who they are and I love their music." -Alanna, 17
"They're not a cookie cutter boyband. They give people something to rally about. It's so cool and they're a good thing to bond over." -Jessie 16
"They're like another family. 5SOS is the family I go to." -Katie, 19
"They're like a segway into a conversation. That's how I met so many friends online. You don't know them, but you can talk to them." -Chanelle, 22
"They're my happy place." -Jen, 22