It is very important for us college students to find any way possible to express ourselves. In recent times, one of the most popular ways to do this is with the help of laptop stickers. Websites like redbubble have thousands upon thousands of sticker options to choose from, it's a little overwhelming. Here's what your laptop stickers say about you.
1. Anything to do with the beach, ying-yang, mermaid, or good vibes stickers.
You're a chill person who likes to go with the flow. You're most likely scrolling on Tumblr or listening and music on Spotify while shopping on Urban Outfitters.
2. The Vineyard Vines whale.
You most likely reside in New England, have at least one pair of boat shoes, and own several long-sleeved Vineyard Vines shirts. If you have this sticker, you most likely have your frat/sorority letters sticker somewhere near-by.
3. Any artist or band.
You like to believe you have good taste in music (which you could) and you want everyone to know about it. If it's an unknown Indie Band, you probably just want people to think you're cool.
4. Memes.
You're trying to be funny....but. Maybe take those off.
5. Anything political.
You either get insulted by everything everyone says or you have no idea what you're talking about. Possibly start fights in Facebook comments.
6. Sports teams.
It's either a tell-tale sign of where you live, or you're just a sport fanatic.
7. A TV show sticker.
You're probably watching Netflix right now.
8. Monogram.
You probably already have your wedding planned out on a Pinterest board, and have a Lily Pulitzer planner.
9. Any type of food sticker.
Snacking is your passion and you love to watch those food videos on Facebook.
10. An outline of your state.
You brag about your hometown at school, but once you're home all you do is smack-talk where you're from.
11. The American flag.
You're most likely in a frat, have a flag hanging in your room too, and chant U-S-A whenever you can.
12. Your school sticker.
You love your school and want everyone to know it.
All of these stickers are available for purchase on redbubble's website!