Everyone has writer's block sometimes, but if you are a creator for Odyssey then you know that every week you have to turn some sort of writing in, whether it be a news story or a letter to a loved one, to be edited and published on multiple social media sites.
Even Odyssey writers have writer's block sometimes though, so what do you write about and how do you make the deadline?
It is easy really, you write about the current situation, your writer's block. Writer's block is an inevitable part of writing anything. You could be writing a story for fun or an essay for English class, but at some point in your life you will be stuck. What do you do?
According to Writer's Digest, there are seven ways to move through writer's block and begin writing again in no time, but I believe that only five are important to share in this article.
1. Step away from the writing and do something else that could potentially get your creative juices flowing.
2. Do free writing. Not everything always has to follow a certain prompt. Have fun with it.
3. Eliminate all other distractions. Turn off your phone and focus on the project at hand.
4. Move your body. Go outside and play. Do yoga or a new workout of some type. Moving your body helps move the block from your mind.
5.Write early in the morning. When you wake up your brain will have more ideas because it is still somewhat in sleep mode.
Writer's block is a part of writing just like coming up with a topic, planning sentence structure, and also making sure the paragraphs flow together. The next time you are gazing at a blank piece of paper or the cursor blinking on the screen just waiting for you to put something on the page look back at this and do something about it.