Since the first day of college, people have been asking me what I want to do with my degree. I used to be able to blow it off and say, "Oh, I'm only a freshman, I have plenty of time to figure it out." Well, it's that time. The start of my senior year is approaching and real life is starting to sink in. It's time to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Or is it?
A good family friend was cutting my hair last week and I asked her how long she had been in her profession. She responded with, "23 long years, but I'm not doing this for the rest of my life." She said she's ready to go back to school. That's when it made sense.
When people ask me what I want to do, I can't ever seem to choose one career, but it's not because I don't know what I want to do; it's because I want to do so many things!
Via Imgur
Generations change. Asking what we want to be when we grow up shouldn't be replied with one job, but as many as we want.
For instance, here's some of the jobs I want to do when I grow up. I want to work for a well-established public relations firm in Washington, D.C. After that, I want to work for the Democratic Party. Then, I want to work on Capitol Hill. Then, I want to work for a Federal Agency. And of course, I finish strong with, White House Press Secretary. All right, so maybe that last one is just a dream, but the point is, we can be and do whatever we want!
Via Returndates
I'm not saying it's going to be easy, and I'm not saying one degree is going to cover it all, and I'm not even saying that I will get any of these jobs! What I am saying is this: Take a chance.
Everyone always praises me for how many jobs, internships and volunteer positions I apply for. Of course, I haven't landed half of them, but how are you going to know unless you put yourself out there.
Via Postgraduatesearch
Career fair at your school? GO! Resume in hand and an enthusiastic smile on your face; You're already a step ahead of everyone who stayed home. See a job you think you might like? Apply! They won't be able to offer it to you unless you apply.
I once had a woman tell me that my degree would be pointless when I graduated, because it was "too broad." Well, I'm taking that as a blessing. I won't be that person that hates their job, but doesn't feel like they have a way out. I will be that person that finds a job that they love, and then a second job that they love and maybe even a third job that they love.
The possibilities are endless. Dream big and work hard.