November 8, a date that has been looming over this nation the past year. We voted for our future president, and no matter which side you were on it was a big day for you. A day that was gone in the blink of an eye, but with an aftermath that is sure to follow for generations.
2016 turned out to be quite the year. As a nation, we saw ourselves through natural disasters, shootings, and terrorist attacks; We are at war with drugs, with crime, with poverty, we are at war both domestic and abroad. But more importantly, we are at war with ourselves.
Our nation was once admired by millions around the world. It was the image of tolerance and progress, of fairness and justice — a place of freedom. But somewhere we lost our way, and now our once “great” nation is tearing itself apart.
It all seems too much for just a single, average person to take on. Everything that is wrong with this nation; how to end the violence and crime, how to bring an end to poverty, how to feed the homeless and help the needy, how to expose the corruption going on in the world. So instead, we turn to someone to be our beacon. To be the person who has all the answers, who can start the change we need to make this world better.
But here’s what I have learned, these answers aren’t found among the career politicians, the fame seekers or money grabbers. The people who will make the change? You will. . . I will —Your mother will or your neighbor, maybe even your child’s teacher or soccer coach. The point is, it’s the nine to five workers, the blue-collar man, the desk jockey, and the laborer who will be the change.
A reminder of who built America. We built America. We the people. . . I recall that being written somewhere rather important before.
And let’s not forget that it was only a little over 200 years ago that we were finally able to build the democracy we had fought for, and even then it wasn’t perfect. It hasn’t been easy America, through decades of unheard cries, through an oceans worth of tears, sweat, and blood we built the America we deserved.
Which leads us to today. Do not let one single election be the reason we lose our greatness. Our greatness doesn’t depend on our leader, but our people. We will become the change that is needed in this world, we will become the light in the dark.