Warning: This article is about the presidential election, and is written from a liberal's perspective.
I truly am so confused. I debated internally about whether I should even attempt to write about this. I do not want to anger anyone or make anyone feel less when they read this. But the reason I decided to write for Odyssey was to write about things I wanted to share with others, things that I think are important. So I'm going to do that.
I have always believed that bad people get what they deserve. Bullies, cheaters, thieves, rapists, murderers and more, must face consequences one way or another. I believe in karma. This has always been my philosophy. And to some extent, I still believe that. But so much has changed in the past weeks that has made me question my beliefs.
Donald Trump, from everything I have ever heard, is not a good person. I won't go into detail, because the media construes many things and I'm sure if you're reading this you already have preconceived notions about who he is and what he stands for anyway. The problem I am having is understanding how such a bad person could have won this election. If everything I have heard is bad, then how could he be good? I know that people tend to focus on the flaws of others, but I haven't heard one redeeming quality that he possesses. Redeeming qualities are what I live for. As an English major, its what keeps me from hating (at least) half the books I read. A person could be downright nasty, but have a soft spot for a particular person or thing that turns them into a loving and respectable human being. I guess I just don't see that in our future-president. What he stands for and supports are things that disgust and disgrace me.
Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has redeeming qualities in my opinion. Some may say she has a bad character, and there are plenty of articles out there about how terrible she is. But she also has done so much good for our country and has worked so hard as a woman in a man's world to get as far as she has. I admire that about her, and respect her immensely.
So the question I've been thinking about is: what do I do now? How can I continue to live happily in a world that has supported someone who I consider to be epitome of a "bad" person?
I've been seeing so many posts and comments on Facebook and other social media platforms that are so hurtful. And on the one hand, I get it. Some people are angry (and rightfully so in my opinion,) while others feel like they are being attacked and must defend themselves. I see posts about how everyone must love each other, and stop arguing because it's stupid. I don't know that posts like these help, because it makes everyone who has posted out of anger or defense feel as if they are being called stupid for voicing their opinion, which is their right to do. No one feels good. I really don't think there's any way to remedy the problems social media poses in terms of creating "beef" between friends and family. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. That is your right. But also choose to be respectful, even in the face of what may seem like idiocy to you. Everyone is different. Some people are crazy.
If you are angry with this election, get involved with things that matter to you. This could be anything. Get involved with volunteering opportunities. Raise money for charities that matter to you. Study what you want to learn, and teach others about it. Do what you're passionate about in a way that helps others. But remember to be respectful to others. Don't go out of your way to make others feel attacked or threatened.
If this election has gone the way you had hoped, great. I'm happy that you're happy. But don't invalidate other peoples' anger or sadness. They have a right to feel the way they feel.
We all will face the consequences, negative or positive, of whatever is to come. Together.