The New Year's resolutions were made, the month of January has passed, and 2017 is flying right by us. Too much of our surprise, many of us have stopped going to the gym, started up those ugly habits again, and we are the same old us-- but not me! I have buckled down, changed my ways, and have seen much progress thanks to my discipline and commitment. These are the many things I have learned about diets, exercising, and overall lifestyle changes:
1. The first two weeks are the hardest
These are the weeks where the most change occurs. Your diet no longer consists of sugars, alcohol, and endless takeout. Days are now planned around the times you can go to the gym and the only thing on our mind is that dreaded weigh in. The only thing on your mind is food, food, and food, specifically the type you can't have. Although the most torturous, these weeks are crucial to forming healthier habits- even if the progress is not yet visible.
2. There is a thing as a 'cheat' meal
Whether it's joining your friends for a night out, savoring something homemade, or a quick late night run to a burger joint, cheat days will happen and they are needed. No one can have a successful diet without treating themselves or satisfying an urge. Just educate yourself about the facts and limit the number of times you cheat.
3. There will be many ups
You will develop a runner's high, you will smile when you see the number on the scale drop, and you will get compliments. You will start to see the progress you've been yearning for week in and week out. Be proud, but don't let that interrupt your continuing success.
4. And there will be plenty of downs
There will be weeks where you don't lose a single pound or weeks where you feel like you cannot go any harder or longer. The important thing to remember is the amount of hard work you've put into it and the overall reason you started- your health. Whether or not you're satisfied with a weigh in or not, keep pushing until you reach your goals.
5. There will be people rooting for you--- and against you.
Finding a great support system is key. This limits temptations, increases motivation, and makes the process overall more fun. However, there will be people who will try to dampen your success due to jealousy or downright rudeness. No matter who they are- just remember that this is for YOU, and no one else.
6. At the end of the day, this is your only life to live.
Not everyone cares about their personal health and not everyone will like what you're doing. However, this is all about you. The only person who is living in your body and is making decisions for you is yourself. So make your goals, follow through with them, and make yourself proud- there is nothing stopping you!