Is there a such thing as “originality?”
Can someone even be original? Because trends come and go, it is almost like your style is always deriving from a past one. The word originality is even derived from the word “origin.” The word originality isn’t even original! Everything has a place that it comes from. The vibrant aesthetic from the 90s seems to always find its way back to into our current trends. A lot of earth tones and neutral shades have been popular within the makeup world. Box braids are a common go to hairstyle. Even in photography, similar aesthetics are seen from then and now. A big style now in fashion are “go go” or disco type boots, alongside vintage rock band tees.
In 2016, I think the chances of being original are slim. When it comes down to being yourself, of course that is original. But when it comes down to creating and to your style, by now it seems like a lot has set the way for what is here. The blues paved the way for where music is at now and Baroque composers helped us with developing the concept of music theory. It all has a trickle down effect. It all falls back to the origin.
When it comes to being original, it seems like when focusing on the bigger idea of whatever you’re doing, it’s not so original. It’s like this because things have already been done or discovered. But the way that you go about it, your methodology, is what makes it unique or original. There is no exact path for how things get done, everyone has their own. Like the fact of Drake being a rapper does not make him original because he is not the first rapper. But because Drake is so unique and has his own style when it comes to rapping makes him original. Also in my opinion, Drake was the first to make it okay for rappers to sing as well and then others followed in suit, being not so original.
I think what the problem is, is that people confuse what being original actually is. They confuse what matters when being original. Details make you stand out. That is what makes something original.
With trends, is there any room for originality?
There are trends everywhere. It’s in music, fashion, hair, schools, etc. It is like a huge bandwagon effect that happens within the universe that makes people go ballistic. On social media, it's everywhere, people see these “fashion icons” and they attack it. The way that trends move on social media is like lightning speed. it ‘s like Black Friday when everyone goes wild, trying to get the best deals first. Or when new Jordans and new Supreme comes out and everyone tears the store up in eagerness, it’s almost like why? What makes these people go crazy over these shoes and clothes? When will they realize that it is the same shit from before, just this time it is in a new color wave?
A lot has been done and everything is being repeated just in similar variations. Is there more that can be done? Is there room for more creativity and innovations? Of course there is, but it all relies on if people will focus on the details. I will never understand the hype with buying Jordans, but that’s besides the point. What I want to know is that with social media having such a strong hold on what is hot, will there be more original crafts?