What is Crossfit?
Crossfit is a training method compiled of functional movements at high intensity. It is a type of strength and conditioning training that is to better overall physical fitness... In other words, you're training like an athlete, but not to be an athlete... But a SUPER ATHLETE.
Crossfit will test your strengths, endurance, speed, and flexibility.
In this type of training your strengths will be tested by your one rep max in certain workouts. No, you're not gonna be told by some flimsy coach to rack up your bar with 225 and be expected to Power clean it. What happens, is over course of time you work on certain functional movements slowly adding weight to lead up to your one rep max. As long as you don't cheat yourself, the results will show
Crossfit isn't all about how heavy you can clean and jerk, or how fast you can knock out 20 reps of pull ups... When it comes to the workouts, it's all about how you pace yourself. There is a workout for all new Crossfiters that'll test your strength and endurance and it is called Fran. In Fran, the workout is 21 thrusters, 21 pull-ups, 15 thrusters, 15 pull-ups, 9 thrusters, and 9 pull-ups. Check it out, and see how much you can accomplish in 20 minutes. After about a month of Crossfit you will see a major improvement in your endurance.
One of the cool benefits that you gain out of Crossfit is speed. The way speed is achieved through Crossfit is by performing functional movements such as power clean, clean and jerks, rows, pushing sleds, and etc. Almost everything that is done in Crossfit will help improve your speed by constantly working on explosive movements. As I like to say, 'It's all in the hips...' Many of the workouts are performed better with good core, good core means you strong hips. The stronger the hips, the faster you go.
You ever have a tough time at work trying to lift up a box? Say no more, Crossfit can help you with that. Through all the training you undergo, eventually when there comes a time to lift that heavy box, it's going to be no problem. Why? Because of all the strength training you go through, explosiveness you gain from Crossfit will aid in that. You don't think of it much, but when you're going down to pick up a box, think of it like a deadlift. You'll lift with your legs.
Most people have a hard time actually squatting down to pick up a box. That's how a lot of work-related injuries occur. With help of Crossfit, because all functional based movements, it'll be second nature for anything you do.