It’s hard to talk politics. It’s even harder to accept other people’s opinions when they’re not that of your own.
What’s hardest, though, is to have an urge to have so much to say, while possessing the undeniable emotion of feeling voiceless.
In no one way, shape or form, do I have the right to hate someone for who they tallied on a ballot. There is no reason to walk around expecting people to agree with what I think is wrong. I don’t have control over the thought processes of others, nor do I wish to have that responsibility.
But all I want is to participate in conversations that are equally heard. In return to my open-mind, I would like to be comfortable with disagreeing with a human being that has attempted to damage who I am as a female, where my family has come from, all that they’ve done to enjoy the amenities of freedom, all while disregarding the expected heart ache of human beings over, and over, and over again.
I will admit that I am not into politics, nor am I educated enough in the subject to project what’s most beneficial for our country in the long run (economically and such). But what I am referring to, is the fact that people have to listen to a HUMAN terrorize other HUMANS for things that they have grown to love about themselves and have grown with a country to love them back.
I accept all opinions, and I’m always one to be open-minded about other people’s concerns and their choices, but this… this hits home in a place that I don’t think half of America will ever realize. Which is unfortunate, because it is so beautiful to be multi-racial; to radiate color. It is an honor for America to be that country that people who have struggled for so long, yearn to escape to – their version of paradise. It is phenomenal that the world has progressed in so many directions while facing so many obstacles along the way.
This is not to say this is stopping now, nor does it mean that I think this election is an end-all-be-all for America. What I’m saying is to remember to maintain a love that’s larger than yesterday, to get rid of this hatred that’s making the toxic, even more toxic, and understand that there’s no better sympathizer than the exact replica of yourself: a human. Your neighbor. Your dark-skinned classmate. Your female boss. Your LGBTQ+ relative.
You have the right to vote for whomever, there is no shaming that. With that being said...
We’re all one. So cut the division and let’s emphasize unity. Let’s mourn, let’s breathe, let’s try to understand what’s going on, but let’s continue moving forward and not let this set back any passionate goals, dreams, aspirations, or hope for future families. And most of all: don’t hate those that don’t agree with you. For disagreeing is as equally of a human trait as the traits that have been ripped to shambles along the way.
There's my say, and I genuinely mean it when I say: please don't be afraid to say yours right back.