Coming to college I knew I’d learn a whole lot about adulting, well, kind of. I’d learn what a Liberal Arts education is in ILA, I’d learn how to effectively do a group project, write a paper, and create a pretty dope resume if I don’t say so myself. Anyway, though there’s so much I’ve learned inside of the classroom I think it can be easily looked over what students learn outside lectures and presentations. I learned a lot about myself, the world, and my future through late nights with friends, spontaneous road trips on the weekends, and just walking around campus. To some of these I’m sure you can relate, here's what I learned from college outside of the classroom.
1. If They’re Only Your Friend When They’re Drunk, They’re Not Your Friend
I know, partying is fun and drinking can be a blast but it also changes people. If they don’t also want to see you when they’re sober, they don’t deserve to see you at all. This goes for romantic relationships as well.
2. Just Because You Don’t Get The Job Or The Internship Doesn’t Mean You’re Not Qualified
It’s a competitive field out there. But there’s a bright side to everything. Just because you got a no, doesn’t mean you didn’t learn something from the experience of applying and will be able to take away something from doing so and apply it in the future. You’ll get that position you’re really wanting soon, I promise.
3. Stereotypes Are Wrong. A lot.
I know this is old, but don’t judge a book by its cover. Don’t assume one thing about someone because chances are you might be wrong and you’ll be missing out on a great person you could have had the opportunity of knowing.
4. Being A Leader Is Not Confined To A Couple Of People In A Couple Of Things
Okay, so you may not be the president of that club or in charge of that project. If you are, congrats! But just because you may not be doesn’t mean you can’t be a leader in other ways. Share your opinion, help out when you can, volunteer, and remember that you have a huge part and make a difference no matter how small you think what you’re doing is.
5. Say Yes
There will be that one time with those people going to that one place where you said no, and you’ll wonder for a long time what if you said yes. Go on adventures, don’t sit in your room. I know we all need some alone time and relaxation but don’t overdo that! Have fun, experience life, and be a little dangerous while you can. (to an extent of course)
6. It’s Okay To Be Stressed Out And Be Sad
No one perfect. Your emotions can run high, you get overwhelmed, and want to quit. A lot. Dropping out has never sounded better. But it’s alright to be upset. You’re not the only one on your campus feeling down and maybe alone. But times get better, you’ll get stronger, and pick yourself back up. Though it’s a process and may repeat there’s nothing wrong with that. We’re human, and a good cry can feel really good.
7. Home Truly Is Where the Heart Is
And where your best friends are, where you love to be, and where you are happy. No your parents may not be here, it may not be the house you grew up in, but it’s still where you’re discovering yourself. Discovering your passions and goals, and where some of your favorite memories have been made. College really is a home away from home. They call it homecoming for a reason, right?