If you're a college student or have ever been in college at all, you know this is a time in your life where a lot is going on. Sometimes the thoughts that run through your head are absolutely absurd. However, I asked some fellow students what thoughts popped in their head throughout the day, and this is what they told me.
What are they wearing?
Why do I even need this class?
These pizza rolls are going to make me fat.
*eats them anyways*
Did I really just spend 30 minutes looking at pictures of puppies?
I'll do it later.
Turn your music down.
Maybe if I use bigger words it'll make me sound smarter.
We had homework?
I will not let my friends convince me to go out tonight.
If my roommate wakes me up with their alarm one more time.
My life is a mess.
I wonder how much strippers make.
What do I have to do to get a therapy dog?
No, Uncle Bill, I don't have a boyfriend.
No, seriously, how much do strippers make?
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