The time of year has come once again... It is time to go back to school! The long anticipated day is just around the corner and stores are filled to maximum capacity with teens desperately searching for the coolest pencil case. The minds of clever students are turning as they attempt to break school uniform rules with button-up yoga pants or a scarf around a V-neck shirt. Believe me, I was one of those kids.
However, for those headed off to college, a whole new chapter is about to begin. Trade in those overused Sperrys for a fresh pair of Birkenstocks and forget about repping that clunky ID lanyard around your neck: you're an adult now! However, if you think that you'll be exempt from life lessons just because you are out of the house and away from your parents, you're wrong. I'm here today to share with you one of the most vital lessons you will learn in college: the importance of your well-being...
• What is well-being?
When an individual is enveloped in a state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy, their well-being is at a high level. As stated by Huseyin Naci in a medical research journal, well-being "includes choices and activities aimed at achieving physical vitality, mental alacrity, social satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, and personal fulfillment." (Evaluation of Wellness Determinants and Interventions by Citizen Scientists)
• Why is it important to have high levels of well-being?
High levels are essential in determining the quality of your life, your relationships and ultimate life satisfaction. As the Wake Forest University Thrive initiative describes, there are 8 different dimensions of importance pertaining to well-being, including social, emotional, and physical dimensions. (Thrive)
A recent publication in Scientific American investigated the significance of well-being and which character strengths provided the greatest prediction for well-being. In the conclusion of the research, the two qualities that most significantly influence levels of well-being are gratitude and the love of learning. (Which Character Strengths Are Most Predictive of Well Being?)
Image presents characteristics tested in Scientific American article
• What does this mean for me and all those headed off to college?
Although you may be ready to get on the road to start your new adventure, be grateful for each moment you are given. Granted the quality of being grateful increases as we age, try to consider what you have now and appreciate it. Appreciate that you have been given the opportunity to reach a higher level of education. I can promise that if you have an 8 am class scheduled, you will curse under your morning breath every time your alarm goes off. I know this because I did. But as I reflect on the first year of college, I know I did not appreciate everything like I should have. Even if you despise those entry-level divisional classes and you know that a certain professor has it out for you, focus on what you're learning. You are already at college because you love to learn, however you will be required to take classes that you will not love. Learn to love them.
With all of the stress that college students encounter, the ability to alleviate tension is a vital skill. College faculty and staff work tirelessly to provide opportunities for students to take advantage of and utilize to produce a benefit. Rather than holing up in a bedroom binge-watching Netflix, consider attending a lecture with friends or join a school organization that has a striking purpose.
I could continue to stress the importance of well-being, but it is up to you to determine how you will spend your years at college. Try to enjoy the process and spend less time worrying about the final outcome. Be proactive in shaping your future, as well as your present.