Although I didn't start cheerleading until college (well, aside from my glory days of youth cheer throughout middle school), it has taught me so much. Sadly, cheerleading has been given a bad name due to the few bad eggs amongst the millions of caring, team-oriented and great people that participate in the sport. I'm here to break that stereotype of the "stuck up mean girls," (Guys can cheer too!) and tell you what it's really all about.
Cheerleading has taught me...
There's no "I" in team.
If any sport teaches you the importance of camaraderie and working together as a team, it's cheerleading. Aside from the obvious part of throwing someone up in the air and needing people on the ground to catch them, cheer requires a whole team — all the time. Unlike some sports where only part of the team is participating during a certain time, in cheer, it's all of us or nothing. At practices for example, if some people are missing from stunt groups, it's almost impossible to practice full out. You not only have a commitment to yourself but to the team as a whole to be there and put your best effort forth.
Time management.
Being a college athlete, I not only have school, a job and social time, but I also havepractices and games on top of everything. Cheerleading has really taught me how to budget my time to make sure that I'm completing all of my obligations for school and extracurriculars, as well as getting enough sleep, eating properly, etc. It's really helpful to have a set routine and schedule throughout the week based on practices and what not because it really drives me to keep going and not slack off.
The importance of trust and confidence.
Whether it be trusting that my flyer won't back out last minute and land on my face, or even trusting us to catch her at all, cheerleading has taught me the value of trusting not only others, but yourself as well. I've also learned how to be more confident in myself. Coming into cheerleading, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. "Will I be able to learn all of the cheers and dances? Will I be a good backspot? Will I make friends?" — these were all questions I had rushing through my head at try-outs. As the season progressed though, my teammates and coaches taught me that no matter what happens, your team will have your back. It's important to trust yourself and be confident in all you do, in order to bring out your highest potential.
It's not like the movies — in a good way!
Those I have met through cheerleading are the funniest, kindest and most individualistic human beings I've come across, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Contrary to popular belief not all cheerleaders are the stereotypical, cookie-cutter, attitude-driven blonde bombshells you see in movies. Honestly, I consider my teammates sisters to me, each having their own quirks and personalities. And that's how it should be. As a team, our differences bring us together and make the experience genuine and real.
I am so thankful to have cheerleading be a part of my life!