What Candy You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign | The Odyssey Online
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What Candy You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Are you sour or sweet?

What Candy You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Based off of the general characteristics of each zodiac sign, here is the type of candy each zodiac sign would be.

Aries: Dark Chocolate

Aries are honest. You are straightforward and always eager. Like dark chocolate, you have a strong personality.

Taurus: Peppermint

Taurus are practical. You are goal driven and determined to reach your goals. Like a peppermint, you are functional over luxurious.

Gemini: Tootsie Pop

Geminis are quick-witted. You often take multiple perspectives and are a strong communicator. Tootsie pops are a two in one candy just like your duality.

Cancer: Sour Patch Kids

Cancers are emotional. You are composed yet soft and prone to shifts in mood. Sour patch kids are sour and sweet just like you.

Leo: M&Ms

Leos are energetic. You are ambitious, eager, and desire admiration. Like M&Ms you love being the center of attention.

Virgo: Sweetarts

Virgos are analytical. You have a strong sense of good and bad but are often confused about your own decisions. Sweetarts are tangy and unique just like you.

Libra: Snickers

Libra are peaceful. You utilize your level-headedness to strive for balance. Snickers satisfy and achieve harmony just like you.

Scorpio: Jawbreaker

Scorpios are fierce. You are intense, driven, and do not easily forget things. Jawbreakers are everlasting just like your memory.

Sagittarius: Skittles

Sagittarius are optimists. You always view things positively and your enthusiasm is contagious. Skittles are the optimists of candy, taste the rainbow.

Capricorn: Rock candy

Capricorns are determined. You are ambitious and strive to be practical yet efficient. Rock candy is exploding with taste just like you are bursting with aspiration.

Aquarius: Nerds

Aquarius are visionaries. You are communicators and seek out the truth in everything you do. Tiny, tangy, crunchy nerds are curious just like you.

Pisces: Starburst

Pisces are the dreamers. You live in your own world and imagine everything through a charming lens. Starburst are unexplainable juicy, just like your imagination.

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