Based off of the general characteristics of each zodiac sign, here is the type of candy each zodiac sign would be.
Aries: Dark Chocolate
Aries are honest. You are straightforward and always eager. Like dark chocolate, you have a strong personality.
Taurus: Peppermint
Taurus are practical. You are goal driven and determined to reach your goals. Like a peppermint, you are functional over luxurious.
Gemini: Tootsie Pop
Geminis are quick-witted. You often take multiple perspectives and are a strong communicator. Tootsie pops are a two in one candy just like your duality.
Cancer: Sour Patch Kids
Cancers are emotional. You are composed yet soft and prone to shifts in mood. Sour patch kids are sour and sweet just like you.
Leo: M&Ms
Leos are energetic. You are ambitious, eager, and desire admiration. Like M&Ms you love being the center of attention.
Virgo: Sweetarts
Virgos are analytical. You have a strong sense of good and bad but are often confused about your own decisions. Sweetarts are tangy and unique just like you.
Libra: Snickers
Libra are peaceful. You utilize your level-headedness to strive for balance. Snickers satisfy and achieve harmony just like you.
Scorpio: Jawbreaker
Scorpios are fierce. You are intense, driven, and do not easily forget things. Jawbreakers are everlasting just like your memory.
Sagittarius: Skittles
Sagittarius are optimists. You always view things positively and your enthusiasm is contagious. Skittles are the optimists of candy, taste the rainbow.
Capricorn: Rock candy
Capricorns are determined. You are ambitious and strive to be practical yet efficient. Rock candy is exploding with taste just like you are bursting with aspiration.
Aquarius: Nerds
Aquarius are visionaries. You are communicators and seek out the truth in everything you do. Tiny, tangy, crunchy nerds are curious just like you.
Pisces: Starburst
Pisces are the dreamers. You live in your own world and imagine everything through a charming lens. Starburst are unexplainable juicy, just like your imagination.