Now that it's the new year, it's time to add some good habits to your routine. A new craze that's been taking over Instagram and Pinterest lately is the bullet journal.
A bullet journal is a daily journal that's organized with a bullet point system. It's supposed to help you track your day, schedule your events, all while being super #artsy. It's supposed to help you organize your life while still being a creative outlet. Each bullet journal is unique. There are no two layouts that are exactly alike.
The basis of the bullet journal is to help you organize your day with quick notes. At the front of the book, there's an index. Since each page in your journal will have a number, the index will help you find where everything is. After the index is a "year at a glance". This is where you write down the major events that are happening that year, such as a vacation or wedding, or anything you find important. After those pages, most people write down things they want to go during the year, whether it's self-improvement, movies they want to see, books to read, places to go, even birthdays to remember. This journal is made entirely by you, so any extra pages you want to throw in are entirely up to you.
Before the daily logs, there is a key. The key will help you classify each thing you write down in your daily log. That means that if you're writing down when you have a shift at work, your "work" bullet point will be a specific shape. It will be different than your "club meeting" bullet point, for example. It's just a quick way to organize the types of things you have going on that day. This can be anything from meetings, work, homework, events, to how much sleep you got, how much water you drank, or how many cats you saw (Hofstra people, you know what I'm talking about).
Your bullet journal is yours. Yes, the purpose is to help you organize your day, but you can be as specific or as vague as you would like. You're the one creating it, writing it, doing the layouts, so it is entirely tailored to you.
One of the best things about the bullet journal is that it's a stress reliever. It's not supposed to be your standard schedule or daily planner; it's supposed to have an artsy flare to it. The purpose encourages doodles, stickers, different colors, and, in some cases, hand lettering. A lot of people also use the bullet journal as an artistic outlet, or a way to practice penmanship, hand lettering, or just improving handwriting in general. It's supposed to take a bit of time and attention, but you can make it as decorative as you please, so you can spend as much or as little time on it as you want. It's entirely up to you.
I'm starting a bullet journal because I need a planner that is tailored to me. I am a very busy person, so I constantly need to remember when I have something going on. I need to make time to eat, to study, to do work, and the bullet journal is great for me because I can just add things I need to do as I go on. I also love to doodle, and while I like to keep my class notes clean, the bullet journal has free range. I find that I need to make time to sit down and work on the bullet journal, which teaches me to be patient. It's a time in my day I can look forward to when I'm not constantly working and moving. I also want to work on my handwriting in general.
A bullet journal is a commitment, but it can be very rewarding. I suggest starting one while New Year's Resolutions are still acceptable. You can be as specific as to tracking your habits, to just tracking your generic week with due dates. It's entirely up to you. It's the planner that works with everybody because each one is unique. It's a way to relieve stress in a healthy way while still being productive, and you don't need to invest in crazy expensive supplies. You do what works for you.