We’re weird. Girls are pressured to be seen as dainty, fragile and ladylike. However, that it is not the case. I find it hilarious to see all the things that boys really have no clue girls do.
1. We eat constantly.
No seriously, that’s what’s on our mind the majority of the time. You think we’re PMSing, but no honey, that’s just the hanger talking. Chances are I probably ate an entire plate of fries before this date, so I could eat a salad and not starve.
2. We don’t dress up for boys.
Betsy Johnson once said, “Girls do not dress for boys. They dress for themselves and, of course, each other. If girls dressed for boys they’d just walk around naked at all times.” It's true.
3. We know everything about you, before you’ve even said “hello."
The second we like a boy we turn into CIA agents. Sounds creepy, but it’s the truth. We know where you’re from, your major, your family, everything. All before you’ve even really talked to us.
4. We have makeup on 99 percent of the time.
I know girls that even rock makeup at the gym. I know it may seem like a shocker, but that smokey eye isn’t natural. When you say you like the natural look, I can guarantee you we are not thinking of the same thing.
5. Being friendly does not mean we are interested in you romantically.
I wish we could live in a world where we smile at people just to be nice, not because we want to get laid.
6. PMS is an actual thing.
My pencil just broke, and I had just had a mental breakdown. The littlest things have the tendency to push us off the deep end. The best way you can deal with us is to buy us ice cream and give us and Netflix some alone time. The worst possible thing that can be said is, “Are you on your period?” You’re just asking for a fight at that point.
7. We sweat.
We can’t all look like Lululemon models at the gym. There’s that saying, “Girls don’t sweat, they glow.” Yeah, that’s a straight up lie.
8. Catcalling is probably the least effective pickup on Earth.
Oh, you just revved your engine and said my butt looked nice? Wow, let me just strip for you right here. No, just, no.
9. We don’t care about what car you drive.
I really can’t tell the difference between a Jaguar and Corvette, I also have no idea what a good horse power is. All we care about is if there is an aux cord and if the seats are comfortable.
10. We know when you are ignoring us.
I texted you at 2:59 p.m. and you still haven’t responded. I know you are on your phone because you just posted an Instagram. Also, who’s that girl that commented?
11. We don’t care about your sports achievements.
I really have no idea what the difference is between an interception and half-time. We really only came here to look cute and take good Instagram pics.
12. I’d pick my friends over you in a heartbeat.
Boys come and go, but at the end of the day your girlfriends are who will stay with you through thick and thin.
It’s not that we’re unattractive now that you know these things, it’s just that we’re actually human.