No matter what your major in college is, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy a good book. Whatever your preference is, whether it's fiction, non-fiction, sci-fi, or a comic book, we all deserve a break every now and then and what better way to escape the pressures of college than losing yourself in a good book. But, if you're anything like me, I just get so overwhelmed I can't decide what to choose. They all look so good and I don't know where to start. So, to make the decision process a little easier, here are some books you might be interested in based on your major!
1. English
You would think that because you're an English major, it would be easy to find a book that strikes your fancy. If anything, it just makes it more difficult. Your tastes range from the classics to the now, books as big as dictionaries to poems and short stories. Here are a few you should read that should spark some interest in your literary heart.
Murder, love, secrets. What is there not to love about these novels? (Except maybe the amount of pages in Bleak House. It's worth it though.)
2. Business
Even business tycoons and marketing moguls should read in their spare time. Whether it's about the economy, accounting, or finance, there's a book out there for you all as well! A book that might make you look at the world a little differently. A book that might open your eyes to something new. Here are a few you should check out.
Although one is a movie and another will be one shortly, that doesn't mean you shouldn't read the book! Trust me, the books are usually better. Wall Street, scandals, and who knows what else awaits you in these novels.
3. History
History is being made every day all around the world. History is said to repeat itself. So why not learn as much about it as we can? Whether it's fictional or a true story, there are many stories to be told throughout the years. Reading a novel, fiction or non, can help us better understand the world we live in today. Here are a few novels for you history buffs.
All set in different eras, and all huge parts of the world's history. Again, they may be movies, but these novels are so rich with life and history that everyone should take a chance to devour them if they can.
4. The Sciences
Yes, even those of us who aspire to be doctors and vets and all the other wonderful things those who major in biology, chemistry, and other science majors want to be when they get older, they deserve a good book as well. Here are some ideas for the science wizzes out there.
Fiction and non-fiction, whatever your taste, these novels are all right up your alley! Take a break and try one of them out if you're in thee mood for a science adventure.
5. Psychology
When it comes to psychology, books can take any turn. Digging deep into the mind, why we do the things we do, how we grow into the people we are, and what we're thinking can all play into a very interesting read. Here are some books for those of us who wonder about the inner workings of ourselves.
Thrillers, the inner workings of the mind, and slowly losing what sanity you have. What doesn't sound fun about that? These novels are a must read for those who love the mind and the problems that plague it.
6. Education
Taking some time away from learning how to teach others is really beneficial. Whether you're reading something that you think you may one day want to teach, or maybe reading about the life of someone who already teaches, reading is obviously going to be very beneficial for you. Here are some books for you try out.
These novels will inspire you to teach and influence the lives of the children and young people you're surrounded by. There are valuable lessons you can take into the classroom with you.