In a world where political talk reigns and the outcome of the election is doing everything from causing protests to filling up our newsfeeds, I believe it is important now more than ever to really enjoy the company of our loved ones this Thanksgiving.
Minus all the political talk.
For me, Thanksgiving should be a time of reconnecting with your family members whom you haven't seen in a while and enjoy their company.
It's a time to laugh about Thanksgivings past when your Uncle said that one funny thing or your sister made that yummy dish.
It's about the food. Your family. The love everyone shares for one another. And truly being appreciative of each and every person, whether they're sitting with you at the table or not.
Being thankful, however, is so much more than saying: "I appreciate you". It's in the little things.
Helping with groceries, setting the table, giving hugs when someone least expects it.
This Thanksgiving, make sure to really take a moment and be truly grateful for those you have in your life. Don't be that person at the table who brings up politics or the election, unless it's in a civil and respectful manner.
This election has torn apart our country, so imagine what it could do to a nice peaceful Thanksgiving dinner with loved ones.
Enjoy your holiday, and appreciate the food and, most importantly, your family.
Because that's what this holiday is all about