There are a lot of assumptions made about women who are independent. That these women must lack compassion, lack companionship and probably stick exclusively to themselves. Some people believe that being independent is a mask to shield oneself from others and perhaps to not getting hurt. People assume that there must be some plausible explanation to why these women are the way they are; heartbroken too many times, trust issues, or perhaps on their own from a young age. People assume independent directly correlates with alone and lonely, but that's not it at all.
To be independent means to be free. In today's world, we are constantly forming more and more relationships with people, and taking in every detail. We date, we fall in love and we commit to someone. We have best friends who tell us everything and anything. All day we have an endless stream of information coming through us, but with an independent mind, the ideas, decisions, creations, choices and actions you make are always your own. Regardless of what anyone has to say, someone who is independent thinks for themself; they have their own style and their own way of doing things. This doesn't just give them their uniqueness, but it also ensures that they are free from outside influence and control, and that they don't bend to the will of another. They may take into consideration what a friend or significant other has to say, but they filter it through their own thoughts, experiences and personality.
To be independent means to be your own person. To see the world through a different lens: one that hones in on opportunity and possibility, and gives them the drive to pursue. To see people as they are, for who they are, and to form opinions on them based on what they reveal—their true colors. To see life as the time to get as much done as possible, to do everything and more, to do what's expected and unexpected, and to give and receive all life offers. To see themselves for who they really are; to be aware of their imperfections and to love and respect them anyway.
To be independent means to love yourself. Having this certain view on the world, the one that pushes you to think more, to do more, to be more, it is motivating and self-rewarding. Being an independent person has taught me that it's all about actions, and who a person really is, not about who they say they are. This way of life gives a person more time to think, to ponder, to question, and to understand. Being self-reliant teaches a person to believe in themself, to trust themself, and to love themself when they are right, wrong, happy, sad, good, bad,and everything in between.
An independent woman is free, her own person and self-loving.