When I was in seventh grade I saw the TV show Greek. After that moment, I knew Greek life was for me. It wasn’t because of the cute boys (Kappy am I right?), or the parties they portrayed. It was about the sisterhood that they showed. Of course some things were dramatized for television, but that’s anything. After seeing that little tid-bit of Greek life, I had my mind made up.
When I first started at my campus I looked into all of the different sororities, and something about Alpha Sigma Tau stood out to me. Seeing how connected, how put together, and friendly the sisters were in that sorority made up my mind, I wanted to be a Tau.
The whole entire week of recruitment I was a bundle of nerves, I was hoping AST would want me, but nothing's ever set in stone until bids are reveals. A couple of the sisters had remembered me from coming to events before, so I was hoping that was a good sign. Finally bid day came around and here was my card saying “Alpha Sigma Tau is extending a bid to you…”! I was filled with so much excitement, I found my home, and I gained tons of new sisters that day.
Since then my love for my chapter and my sisters has only grown. Being in Alpha Sigma Tau doesn’t just mean I like anchors and can rock green and gold (I mean I can, and I do love anchors, but that’s besides the point).
It means, I have fifty sisters that are there for me whenever I need someone, and I am there for them. It means I am able to step up for a leadership position, and learn how to get a room of fifty unique personalities to listen to my message.
It means I know how to be gracious, and have the ability to help so many individuals in communities before I would have never had the chance to. It means I have respect, I know how to treat others, even when we disagree. It means I have intellect, I am a smart woman, and so are all of my amazing sisters; we may be goofy sometimes, but we are one of the smartest groups of women you will meet! It means I am able to make connections, and make friends with so many people I would have never met if it were not for this chapter. It means I have excellence within me and can make a big impact in whatever I set my mind to doing.
I love being in Alpha Sigma Tau, I love my sisters, and I am so grateful for all of the experiences I have gotten from being in this sorority. From being classy like a pearl, pretty like a yellow rose, there’s nowhere else that would feel like home to me.
And finally, being a Tau means to me, “being an absolute failure and a huge success.”