In today's world, the word "bitch" is tossed around like nobody's business. In rap songs, almost every single time a woman is mentioned, she is referred to as a "bitch." "Bitch" has become almost a synonym to the word "girl." You'd be lying to say if you've never called someone a bitch or been called a bitch before. And you know what? Sometimes, it's going to hurt. But in society today, being called a bitch can be taken as a compliment.
Now before we all start automatically disagreeing with my above statement, hear me out.
I've learned that each time that I was called a bitch, I never did anything unethically wrong. If you're a girl, most of the times you are called a bitch, were for a few reasons below:
You Reject A Guy
You Tell Someone You Want Something Done On Your Time
You Have An Opinion
(This opinion could literally be anything and you're STILL going to be called a bitch if you speak your mind).
You're Assertive At Work/School About ANYTHING
This list could go on and on but if you notice anything about these reasons, guess what they all have in common? GIRLS WILL BE CALLED BITCHES NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. Anything on this list a man would do, he is considered "a boss". There is no negative connotation at being a "boss." This is exactly why I love being called a bitch. I feel like I'm doing something right and standing my grounds without caring about the label of "bitch."
NOTE: Yes, being called a bitch is hurtful. I am not saying we should start calling everyone bitches. Name calling hurts. Although there are some cases where it's okay to call someone a bitch because they validate the definition, the reasons listed are not.
So next time someone is calling you a bitch, remember, you're probably standing your ground.