Every new year, we promise ourselves that we'll change. That'll we'll study harder, eat healthier, quit that nasty habit or start a better one. What is about changing the number at the end of the year that makes people think that they can change their lives too? Whether the new year means a new chance to be a better you or everyone else has a resolution so now you need one too, even if we don't post it on Facebook, we all make promises to ourselves.
I ask for patience, the strength to understand that good things come to those who wait. The ability to push through hard times, and never let life make me bitter or cold. To always remember that in the end things will be okay, and if it's not okay then it's not the end.
I ask for health. Of course, to stay physically healthy, and for my loved ones to do the same. But, I also ask for a mind so clear of trauma that I have only room for peace of mind. For my head to hit the pillow every night with ease, not from exhaustion and lack of hope.
I ask for happiness. I want to be overcome every morning I awake with light in my windows and my feet eager to start the day. I ask for the lines on my face where my smile creases so be as deep as the ocean and for my eyes to never shed a tear unless those of joy.
I ask for love, so much of it, I could drown in it. I'm not referring to just romantic love, although I ask for a plethora of that, but I mean love between everything. Love from my beautiful friends, tight hugs and hand squeezes. The feeling of love burning in my stomach when I'm doing something I love, falling from my fingertips, and dusting my cheeks.