Singing. Dancing. Athletics. Photography. Drawing. Painting. Playing an instrument.
The list above is a random assortment of talents that I have witnessed first-hand in many individuals. Talents are the natural aptitudes or skills an individual holds. They are the things that help define who a person is. Talents make you unique in a way that not all individuals have a natural ability at the same thing. Some people, unfortunately, don't see the extent of their talents.
Recently, I came across an individual who told me that my list of talents was astonishing and that every day something new pops up that I do. To be completely honest, this was something I never really noticed in myself. Sure, I knew I could excel in some things, but my list of talents stretches longer than I realized. Talking about your talents can be extremely difficult. But why?
Everyday you're told to just be yourself, and be the best version of yourself that you can be. Well, that person also shines through your long list of hidden or visible talents.
In today's society, people are so focused on things that they do wrong or poorly. They try to fix these so-called negatives in order to prevent themselves from failing. I am here to tell you to fail. Fail at the things you're meant to fail at, but don't let your failures hold you back. Be able to bounce back and recognize your undeniable list of talents.
Excel at the things you are meant to excel at. Individuals in society need to start being confident in themselves and see how many things they are capable of accomplishing. Don't just settle for the things that will create your easy path, but thrive at the things that make you happy and that you are good at.
Find your list of talents. They all might not be visible at once, but it only takes one person to point them out to you.
When you were little you were constantly searching for the things in which you were good at. As you continue to grow, recognize the things that come so naturally to you that you don't even realize how unique they are.
Be unique. Be talented. Be you.