I could be over analytical of society and personal perception, but I have always wondered how others decide our worth. I mean, yes, how we perceive ourselves is most important in having self confidence, but how do others decide our worth? I sat earlier today in my truck thinking about how all the actions I have had up to that moment affected people directly and indirectly, and reflected on the times where I have determined others' worth. Now my opinion meant little to nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I still either positively or negatively played a part in a person's self-image. Some evaluations I am not proud of, while others I believe to be spot on.
I have decided to stay in certain friendships/relationships because I placed a good bit of my worth into it, meaning that I strived to be the best person for that person instead of the best person for myself. This does not exclude friendships. When you start to let others determine how amazing you are, you will start to lose bits of yourself. You may find that you don't enjoy the person you have become. There is a limit to how much you should put others before yourself. At times I have found that when I gave myself a little attention, I was able to help others better. I have found that your worth is not defined by how smart or beautiful you are. It is found in the kind of person you strive to be.
One of my best friends strives everyday to be the best person he can be and, I'm not going to lie, sometimes he falls short. Everyday he picks himself back up and everyday he can be more proud of his last. Some might define him by the past he lived but I am so proud of the man he continues to become in spite of the world.