One of the most asked questions for a college student is, “What do you plan to do when you graduate?” Today my brother asked me, “What do you plan to achieve in your lifetime?” There have not been many times where I had to really sit and think about how I would answer a personal question, but this one got me. Not because I did have an answer, but because there are so many things I hope to achieve. So, I think the best move is to just dive in and let everything flow out.
I would like to achieve a number of things in life, but right now my focus is to graduate college with my degree. This would mean so much to me because I am a first generation college student and this not only sets a certain standard for my siblings, but for my future children.
I would also like to make disciples for the amazing God I serve. This is probably the toughest thing for me right now next to making the best grades because I do not seem worthy enough or prepared enough help show people Jesus Christ. Saying that I would like to achieve love for myself. This would be a very tough achievement because I do not see very highly of myself and I do not believe that others do either.
One thing that I can only pray to one day achieve is to one day become a man. I personally believe—although it many not be correct— that a man isn’t just someone who is over a certain age. A man is someone who realizes who he and what he is. He does not settle for where he is in life and constantly looks for ways to help him and those around him positively grow. A man is someone who treats all women as queens because they deserve that. A man is someone who finds a woman to marry and gives her all he has through the tough times and through the easy times. He knows that if he says those sacred vows to her that he plans to keep them. A man is someone who is a part of his kid’s lives and shows them that no matter what they are worth fighting for. A man is someone who respects those around him. A man is hard working, humble, open, and caring. A man loves with all he has and understands how important love is. A man is humble and does not look for opportunities to brag. A man is not perfect and knows that and he is willing to learn from his mistakes.
A man does not contain every single one of these things, but that is the type of man I would like to one day be. I would like to strive to show that my family—who is not always blood relatives—that they are the most important things to me. That next to God they helped me get through all the difficult times in my life. So, if I were now lying in my deathbed I would hope that I could say that I achieved many things. Most importantly that I achieved: Love for myself, a college degree, a beautiful God loving family, becoming a God fearing man., and most importantly sharing Christ Jesus to those around me. This may not have answered his question, but I hope it did. I also hope that this makes you ask yourself—no matter what age you are—“What do I hope to achieve in my lifetime?”