When I was younger I was scared of the dark and kind of still am. But I learned it's quite common. People are scared of what the darkness holds. We cannot see what is there so we fear the unknown. But even sometimes when we know what's there it can still be scary, like running up the basement stairs after you turn off the lights. I guess our imaginations get the best of us. But there are scarier things out there than darkness, things like the future.
Why is the future scary to me? to others? I guess it plays under the same fear of the unknown. We cannot tell what the future holds, good or bad. We hope for the best and go through days a step at a time. It's that same feeling that hits your gut when an employer asks you, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" It is not an easy question to answer, especially when put on the spot. The key to this is taking whatever comes our way and handling it in the best matters. Because the truth is we can only control so much in our lives. We have to make the best of it.
Sometimes making the best of it is how we conquer what we are scared of. To this day, I have a fear of public speaking. Although this is a universal fear among many it's not like you can go throughout life without having to do it. Yes, it makes me uncomfortable. Yes, it gives me anxiety. Do I let it stop me from living life? No. I may grunt when having to do oral presentations, but I work towards a better me. I work towards a version of myself that is more confident and more able.
Not too long ago someone asked me, "What are you afraid of the most?" I had to think for a couple of moments and then gave my answer: "losing the people I love." There's nothing more to it. I'm so grateful and appreciative to the ones I love and I never let them forget it. Life is too hard to deal with all by yourself that's why you have family and friends. It's easy to take things for granted at times. But each day is not guaranteed, therefore it is important that we cherish the people in our lives.
We must remember that being scared is normal. Being scared means being human. We shy away from admitting our weaknesses, but as we start to define them and work on them we become stronger. That said, I'm scared of failure and rejection. I'm scared of change and being alone. I'm scared of disappointing the people I love. What are you scared of?