Dreams vary. But what are you constantly dreaming about? Could dreams dictate what you are subconsciously thinking about? Do they have any real meaning or is it random? I find myself dreaming about people who have passed on or aren’t in my life anymore whom I either miss or have a terrible history with. Sometimes, I dream of things that end up happening a month later. For example, I had a dream I was at a cousin’s wedding and in a month that same cousin got engaged. It was a coincidence, but other times it is so accurate it's scary. The question is where does it all come from?
Certain dreams, like confusing ones that make no absolute sense, in my eyes, happen usually because you are exhausted. However, according to Huffington Post, certain dreams have specific meanings. For example, when you are being chased. "Often, the reason for these dreams comes not from the fear of actually being chased, but rather what we’re running from. Chase dreams help us to understand that we may not be addressing something in our waking lives that require our attention."
Since so much of our dreams are hard to remember in the morning, it may be smart to keep a dream journal. That is if you want to analyze your dreams. I used to have one of those, then I stopped. The problem when I was younger was that I had reoccurring dreams. I remember vividly this one dream I had of seeing my past self in person. It was one of my scariest dreams ever because I found that to be extremely creepy. But it meant nothing besides the fact that I was watching too much television that involved similar scenarios.
Typically, you may notice that things you think about a lot during the day but don’t want to address, end up in your dreams. Until you are able to address it or “solve” the problem at hand, it will keep coming up. This could be an argument with your mom, sister, cousin etc. It could be a person who rejected you romantically and/or emotionally. However, there is more to this with psychological analysis. "The subconscious mind thinks in the form of symbols and metaphors and that's why you shouldn't be surprised to find such metaphors in your dreams in the form of symbols. The thoughts of your subconscious mind are presented in your dreams in the form of symbols."
With my experiences in dealing with loss, I was not able to cope well. I would talk about it, jaded, and then I would see that person appear in my dreams every single night for years. Not even months or days or weeks, but YEARS. The same happens with certain people who have harmed me in some way. I would dream about them constantly. They would never leave my mind. In a sense, they “rented space” in my head with no fee. The problem wasn’t dreaming about them exactly, rather it was the fact that I could have a great day and be doing well while inside I would be thinking about all of this negativity.
Do you ever just think of something that could happen and it also happens in your dreams? Dreams can also work positively. Maybe if you imagine something to happen enough times you can dream of it as well. You can conjure up a dream; it is possible but hard. Most of our minds are usually subconsciously negative. During our day-to-day lives, we try to distract ourselves from the negativity, so try your best to be positive. Maybe that wedding dream one day could by symbolizing yours, who knows?