Last night, with a glass of wine in hand, I sat down to channel surf through the Sunday news and I found myself going to Fox news. “Liberal media in Meltdown Mode over Comey Firing”. This got my blood boiling. Yes, CNN, MSNBC and other news outlets may seem like they are leaning in a separate way than the conservative media, Fox News and Breitbart (puke) but it’s only because they are leaning in the direction of the facts, not a specific party. Just because someone disagrees with a clearly, terrible, strategic move, doesn’t necessarily mean everything has turned liberal. Let’s take a breath together and look at the facts.
On Monday, May 8 2017, wonder woman Sally Yates gives sworn testimony before the Senate and Lindsey Grahm himself (raise your hand if you’re a Southern Charm fan and were screaming at the TV: “That could have been T-RAV!”. Just me?)
On Tuesday, May 9, the VERY NEXT DAY, the Breaking News headline flashes across our screens because once again, Trump’s rash decisions are making headlines: He has FIRED the FBI director heading the investigation on his ties to Russia, the one and only, James Comey.
What were Trumps reason’s for making such a decision so quickly you may ask? First, the White House said Trump fired Comey because the attorney general and deputy attorney general recommended it. Then, the president came out and said he has been considering firing Comey for a while and Rosenstein’s recommendation was the straw that broke the camel’s back. LATER, Trump was quoted as saying he had already decided to fire Comey and that he was going to do it, regardless of Rosenstein’s recommendation.
Trump has also been saying why he doesn’t understand the outrage from the democrats and how they all wanted Comey fired for the Hilary investigation. First of all, lets stop using blanket statements and dissect the problems with critical thinking. Democrats didn’t understand the timing of reopening the investigation, we still don’t. We also don’t understand why Comey went on national news, made the announcement they were reopening the investigation on the emails but failed to mention they were also investigating Trump.
Also, “Liberal Media” may be confused on the reasoning behind Trump firing Comey (Trump himself seems just as confused as we are because he has yet to get his story straight) but we are more outraged on the timing. This is clearly an obstruction of justice somehow and needs to be investigated. If Trump was not concerned about the investigation, why would he swear Comey to have his back and promise him he was not under investigation?
So, to all the conservatives or just people that don’t understand the outrage over the Comey firing: It wasn’t that we loved him and wanted to see him ride out his term, it’s because of the timing and the investigation he was doing on Trump. It’s the timing. It’s Trumps numerous reasons why that still don’t make sense.