There any many hard facts you learn as an adult. Sometimes, we refuse to come to terms with or we just have never thought much about it. These 10 facts are some of the things I believe we need to come to terms with to live a better life.
We all have different paths
It will take different amounts of time and energy to follow your own path.
You are who you surround yourself with
Good friends will encourage you to do good things.
Always do your best
Because you can never fail.
Laugh more than you cry
But when you do need to cry, let it all out.
Never stop learning
and never stop asking "Why?".
Always be yourself
If you don't, you will be too busy trying to keep up with all your lies instead of having fun.
Know what you see on social media
Is not how it is 100% of the time. They are only showing the good parts of their lives.
Happiness is not a place
It comes from within you. Don't keep saying "I'll be happy when I get this job.". Be happy with what you have and then you will be happy for the rest of your life.
You are by yourself
In the end it all comes down to you. Your life is made up by your choices.
Don't take life so seriously
Because no one gets out alive anyways.