Have you ever wondered what GMOs are? GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms. These chemicals are used to mass produce bigger and better crops of all sorts. There is a huge controversy in our society today as to if these organisms are causing diet problems along with other major and minor health issues. Scientists have been monitoring bodies to see the effects of GMOs. In this paper, I will inform you the basic facts about what GMOs are and do, how they can potentially be harmful, the benefits, and my personal opinion on GMOs.
A GMO is an organism that has modified DNA through genetic engineering. Most of these are altered from various organisms such as bacteria, plants, virus’, or animal. An example of these modified organisms are tomatoes that can withstand freezing temperatures because they have genes from cold-water fish. These genes act as antifreeze. The most popular use of modified genes is in the soy, cotton, canola, corn and sugar beets industry. Over 90% of of these items sold in the United states are genetically modified. “...it's frequently stated that 40% to 75% of the food in a typical supermarket contains genetically engineered ingredients…” (www.ustoday.com) Most of these have been genetically modified for pest resistance, disease resistance, drought tolerance added nutrients, or weather resistance. If we were to get rid of this advanced engineering, would we be closing doors for jobs?
There is plenty of evidence that GM technology can keep pests away. In fact, the cost of the GM seeds that keep pests away is more expensive, but the crop success the farmers get out of it compensates for the cost.
There are several different opinions on whether GMOs are safe or if they are dangerous. This affects those who would like to buy the products as well as those making them. Several people believe that they cause health issues and damage to our environment. The facts are that in over sixty countries there are restrictions or bans on products made with GMOs. “However, many scientific organizations believe the fear-mongering that runs through discussions of GMO foods is more emotional than factual.” (www.livescience.com) The American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2012 states that they believe the techniques being used are safe. So it is up to you to decide, are these chemicals harming our bodies? Who do we trust?
Many people in our society go organic because we fear the unknown. “You don’t know how it affects the tomato and the person who eats it.” This is a quote from a college student when asked what the risks are. It boils down to who we trust. In the same study, when a student was asked if they trust the researches one replied, “Well I do not know if you can trust them. But I do not think that they are making things up. But I do not think you can trust them when it comes to ethical reasoning. They do research in their subject and they want to proceed as far as possible.”
A more complex standpoint, “An early example of such an accidental outcome was the unconscious allowance of the expression of Bt endotoxins in corn pollen, which was then deposited by wind onto the host plants of insects previously assumed to be safe from harm because they do not feed on corn plants.” Even this statement used the word assume. The example shows that this chemical is “harmful” enough to keep the insects away. Scientist presume that if it is strong enough to keep the animals and pests away, it could potentiallly be harmful to humans.
My personal opinion on GMOs is simple. I try to stay away from them as much as I can, but if I can’t I don’t. I don’t go out of my way to buy organic things, but if I see the opinion, and the price is outrageously different, I throw it in the shopping cart. I am scared of the harmful effects of the GMOs. If there is anything that could potentially harm me in the future, why wouldn’t I take action now? I think eating an all organic diet would be a smart move for people to take. Overall, organic people live a pretty healthy lifestyle. I see it this way; if I am eating healthier to avoid GMOs and it turns out they are safe, I’ve just gained a healthier diet. It’s truly a win-win for me.
In conclusion, you now know what Genetically Modified Organisms are and a few examples, how they can be harmful, the benefits, and my opinion on GMOs. The research for this topic was easy to find because of how popular this topic is in our media and news today. So now, I leave the decision to you; will you be avoiding Genetically Modified Organisms, or will you continue your eating habits because GMOs lack evidence for leading to harmful effects?