It's January 20, the day of Inauguration for President Donald Trump. A historical moment for not only America, but the entire world. During the election, it was very clear that many did not want Trump in office, and the same goes for Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. But here we are now in the year 2017 with Donald Trump being sworn into the White House.
Some people celebrated, but many of my friends and acquaintances did not. They feared for the future, and somberly waved President Obama his last farewell. They mourned over their country as though all hope was lost, as if our nation had suddenly died.
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While I do understand the fear and sadness many of my friends share as we move into this new presidency, as Americans, it is our right, and our duty to continue on.
The American people will find a way. We have seen that time and time again since the year 1776. As President Trump comes into office, I want both Democrats and Republicans and Independents to all remember that we are the people, and the people are the driving force of our country.
If you are like most of my friends who are conflicted about Trump's presidency. Stay true to yourself and your beliefs, but be open minded. A country that does not support its leaders, is a country that fails - and by support, I don't mean you have to agree with the president's policies, but I do mean you must hope for well being of our country within his decisions. You don't have to like our president to encourage a better tomorrow for our country.
If you are an avid Trump supporter. That's okay too. But remember this, you are surrounded by many who are scared and have different opinions than you. I encourage you to listen. You may not understand what others believe, but that does not mean you cannot be an open ear and an open heart. Support your leader, but do not boast or tarnish the name of other leaders or people.
I am a firm believer that politics is a compromise. My hope for the Trump presidency is that we can find both Republicans and Democrats going from two parties collaborating into one republic that will do its best for our nation and the American people.