Anyone who is the oldest child understands the pros and cons of being the oldest, and shall we say wisest? While being the oldest child has its advantages, it can be exhausting, and there are plenty of stereotypes that are just in our DNA as the first ones to enter the household.
Always #1
As the oldest child, there is an innate bond between you and your parents since you were the first one they loved and care for before anyone else. You’re the only one who was an only child for some stretch of time, and as a result, your siblings will always refer to you as the ‘favorite’ or ‘golden’ child who does everything right, even when you do many things wrong. While it seems nice to have this sort of superiority, it gets old quick when your siblings constantly nag you for being the one that makes them look bad, and gets ‘special’ treatment.
Being the First for Everything
One of the greatest perks of being the oldest is getting to do everything first, including getting a cell phone, learning how to drive, graduating high school, and going to college before your younger siblings. At the same time, you feel so knowledgeable and proud to share your learned advice back with your younger siblings because ‘been there done that’, and to be honest; it feels pretty good to look back on all that stuff in hindsight.
Learning Things the Hard Way
While we go through life first and before our other siblings, everyday is a shot in the dark since no one else in the family has done it before. I always say we are the trailblazers, and once the path has been paved, it is undoubtedly easier for the younger siblings to make their way through. This is a thankless gift they may never repay you for but all oldest siblings know to be true. We’ve made it easier to convince parents to cave and buy that new laptop, or trust us with the family car, or get our first credit cards. It’s all a learning curve and we have the honor of setting it.
Inevitably Bossy
Even the most even keel oldest siblings have some sort of bossy gene in their system, and it is just part of being the oldest. Since the only people in the family above us are our parents, it is almost impossible to not self appoint yourself as the next dictator of the house over your younger siblings. We may out grow it, or always act as the “know it all” older sibling, but either way, it just comes with the territory.
Type “A” Personality
While not all oldest children have type A personalities, a lot do because it goes hand in hand with being the first one in the family to go through everything. This means we have the natural drive and determination to see things through. It’s hard work learning everything as we go along, and not being able to ask an older sibling for advice, so as a result, we are motivated by success and willing to do whatever it takes to get it right.
Maternal Compassion
Bossy is just another word for compassionate, because we say too much because we care too much. Older siblings have that natural tendency to be the mother bear, and protect our younger siblings from anything. We want to help our parents as much as we can, and be the role model for our siblings at the same time. It is just a part of being the oldest sibling, and always watching out for our siblings, no matter how old they get.
Oldest For Life
While it is not easy to be the oldest child, it is so rewarding, and a lifelong position you wouldn’t trade for the world. No matter how old you get, your siblings will always be your little brother and sister who relentlessly get on your my nerves, but you wouldn’t want it any other way.