Love. The one word that can either make your stomach burst with butterflies at the thought of who immediately pops into your mind, or it can make your stomach drop with painful reminders of what that one little four letter word has cost you. Truth be told, we desire to be loved in the most relentless, passionate, unconditional form we know to be. We desire to be loved in a way that is all-knowing and all-seeing, while still being all-forgiving and all-accepting. We deeply desire to be loved past outward beauty and verbal expressions, past the measures of "enough" placed upon us by others and even ourselves, and into the great depths of our souls. We not only want to be loved in the places that house our hopes, dreams, and who we are but also the walls widely adorned with many scars, holes, and tattered remains of what once was beautiful art; the vulnerable places we dare not expose to another.
While the thought of letting another in to our innermost being, we desire nothing less than to have someone come invade every room, however battle-torn or ugly, and touch every one of them with a love we thought could never come because of how unworthy we declared ourselves to be. We simply desire that someone choose and accept us and call us enough as if it is our name. This love we so deeply desire was woven into the very fabric of our being. To love and be loved is the sole search of our lonely soul desperately searching. However, being broken and needy as we are, one person is not physically or emotionally equipped or capable of satisfying our every need, desire, and void. A fact that has made itself painfully clear.
We so stubbornly try and try to fill those voids within us with relationships, sex, alcohol, drugs, etc., but the fact remains that we have yet to fill the emptiness that rocks our core because our hearts were meant for a greater love. Despite being surrounded by love, we cannot help but feel the most lonely because our soul has forsaken the One who made Himself our first love. The truth of the matter is we can only be truly satisfied if we run into the arms of the very One who formed our heart and who placed this very desire in us just as He himself desires we give of our love and for us to seek Him for this love. A God-sized hole can only be filled by the One who created that need in is. We desire love because we are made in his likeness by He who is love itself. Once we welcome and rest in this truth we will find that nothing else matters. We are finally enough. We are redeemed, restored, and redefined. We Are Loved.
Though my past may be stained and ugly, His scars have deemed me lovely.
He loved me at my darkest. (Romans 8:5)