What about "Blue Lives Matter?"
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What about "Blue Lives Matter?"

"A hero is someone who rises every morning never knowing if he'll be returning home that night."

What about "Blue Lives Matter?"

What about "Blue Lives Matter"?

Many would say the use of this phrase is quite ignorant or may cause disparity between the black and white communities in America. Others, who feel indifferent about this issue, would say this phrase is used to diffuse the situation and incorporate support on the side of authority. It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity, but there is a definite lack of respect for the people who wear the now looked at as “infamous” uniform.

The phrase “Black lives matter” is too non-inclusive. Black lives are not the only lives that are being distressed and condemned at this time in America. President Obama has accelerated the progression of Black Lives Matter and proclaimed the police have not been doing their job to their greatest capability. Our president is promoting this violent group, that has already killed many police officers and has presented threats to them. He has met and invited many followers and members of BLM to the white house even after they reinforced their support of cops being killed. Fellow BLM activists interrupted the silence for fellow fallen officers, by screaming “black lives matter” issuing a plethora of disrespect to our fallen officers. He has embarrassingly called the Cambridge officers in Massachusetts stupid because Henry Louis Gates Jr., a Harvard professor, would not provide proper Identification, and he responded with the statement, “Why because I am a black man in America?”. Yet, Obama supports the police some people say, but it seems apparent that he does not.

Obama illuminates the white house with bright colors to signify when gay marriage was legalized and terrorized, purple for prince’s death, and pink for breast cancer awareness, yet never blue for a fallen officer. With that, the media followed and sadly promoted a war on the police nationwide. They have created stories that included injustices and were extremely incorrect, so they are able to stir up chaos. For example, the trial with Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson which had taken place on August 9. Witnesses said that they saw Brown belligerently assault Wilson and try to take his gun. This was not enough evidence for Obama and he took the side of the aggressor.

If police officers around this world, let alone nation, actually wanted any individual dead, all they would have to do is stop patrolling their assigned posts. They pull out their guns to defend their lives if they are in severe danger. When they are trained in the academy, they are taught “shoot to stop” not, “shoot to kill.” Clearly, they do not want to lose their jobs but, in that moment, they would prefer not to lose their lives by protecting them.

Police around the nation are being distributed by body cameras to document their actions, or help defend their word. Recently, Sylville Smith was shot and killed by police. Smith had an excessive amount of arrests that exceeded the number thirty. He was pulled over for a routine traffic stop but proceeded to act irrationally. He left the scene and was deliberately chased by a black officer on foot. While running, he pulled out a loaded gun and pointed it at the officer. The officer repeatedly told Smith to drop it, but instead Smith provoked the situation. Therefore, the officer only had one option, save his life and shoot Smith before it was too late. Now let’s see… where did this officer go wrong? The response to this situation, admonish several businesses/houses by burning them to the ground. Rioters were attacking white people, and blaming them for poverty. Now someone explain what is wrong with the temperament of officers?

Because of the media Police Officers are afraid to use force to make sure their lives aren’t going to end. Sadly, the media utilizes the first amendment which guarantees that they can basically say whatever they want, albeit many times not the truth. “Freedom of speech is the liberty to speak openly without fear of government restraint.” If the police were respected, we wouldn’t have this problem. If the media provided all evidence, we wouldn’t be talking about this issue today.

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