At least for me, online learning has been a struggle.
I had waves of productivity, waves of inactivity, and overall, feeling so tired of school. As such, I had to grow, change, and learn. What came out was me learning more about myself than anything else and I feel like what I learned could be helpful to someone who feels similarly.
1. I'm a Procrastinator
Seriously. I've always struggled with it, but for whatever reason, being online had increased my problem by a lot. It only got better when I implemented good study habits, but I still struggle.
2. Just Trying Your Best Enough
For all of my years of schooling, I had always felt like my work had to be perfect, so I would overthink and such. I feel like this is part of the reason I procrastinated so much: what if I had the time to have an assignment to be perfect, and it still had flaws? This year, I had to learn that I just need to try. Trying is enough.
3. Make The Most Of Your Time
Get a planner if you can. Time is precious. If you're able to have mostly everything in order, it will make you happier to have things organized and you can do stuff that is important to you.
4. School Isn't Everything
This goes back to perfectionism. School was stressing me out in such a high level because I felt like it needed to be perfect. My mental health needs to be first.
5. Take Time For Yourself
In the beginning part of this year, stress was taking over a lot of my life. Over time, I had to learn that by succumbing to stress, I was neglecting myself and my needs. So I had to learn to take care of myself.