When I waved goodbye to 2016 a short 365 days ago, I knew right from the start that 2017 was going to be a big year. It is the year that will forever be attached to the leather sleeve of my varsity jacket, the year I threw my graduation cap into the air, and the year I started a whole new chapter in my life: college.
As I began to enter this new time in my life, I started to realize a lot more about myself and the world around me. It’s honestly crazy how much you can learn in just one year.
The first thing that 2017 taught me was how to move on. It really isn’t easy to pick up everything and leave. Not only does it push you way out of your comfort zone, but it forces you to leave behind people you care about as well as aspects of a former life you loved.
However, if you are always stuck in the past, you might never proceed to the future. Yes, the glory days may have given way to great memories, but getting caught up in what “once was” keeps you from achieving those glorious moments in the present.
The second thing I learned this year is that life is too short. As we live day by day, it is easy for stress to consume us. Constantly feeling anxious, worried, or afraid can lead to bitter and pessimistic habits.
You’re going to have bad days; that’s just part of life. However, life is just too short to let those bad days ruin the good ones. Be fearless, be bold, and take life head on, but when stress and fear begin to take over, learn how to bring yourself back. In short, don’t sweat over the little things.
There is so much more that 2017 has taught me, but I strongly feel that the greatest lessons I have yet to learn. May you find happiness this new year, and may everyday help you learn and grow.