1. The quality or condition of being human;
2. The quality of being humane; kindness; and benevolence
Two definitions out of the few Humanity has. As children we could agree that humans were associated with kindness, doing good to others and having goodwill. As you grow older you start to see just how people in the world work and we are quick to realize not every human posses these qualities. Why are humans categorized with kindness and benevolence? We can clearly see the term was coined many, many years ago. In this day and time humans and kindness would not be incorporated into the same definition.
Why has it come to this? Why is it all we see is negativity, tragedy, and violence? Our world has learned to thrive off of the bad and ignore the good. Just think about it: what TV shows do you watch? Grey's Anatomy, Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, Scandal, The Walking Dead, CSI, Law and Order... The list goes on. Out of all of these shows we could look at a few as trying to put a positive spin on tragedy but for the most part the shows consist of violence, crime, pain, suffering, drugs, and misfortune. We find this entertainment and I am no exception to this as I too watch these shows in my free time. It is sad though that we spend our free time watching shows of negative cognition. I am not saying we are at a fault for watching these sorts of things but why do we enjoy watching them so much and constantly go back for more? Why do we like to watch the downfall, pain, or victimizing done to others? We get some sort of thrill out of it it seems and how sick that truly is if we sit down and think about it. I encourage you to make a list of five shows you watch that do not include any of the characteristics I have listed above. It doesn't just start and end with the shows we watch though.
What have we as society come to when we value the life of an animal over a human being? No matter what party you blame, the parents, the child or the zoo, how can you rationalize risking a humans life over a wild animals? Let me say that I do care about animals, their existence, well-being, and survival especially when they are endangered. If it comes to a human life against theirs shouldn't we as humans not hesitate to save our own especially when we are referring to a child?
Let's not forget too that rape is something that is only punishable by a slap on the wrist. Brock Turner is witness to that, it appears that if you don't have a previous criminal record and you commit one heinous crime don't sweat it you've got a get out of jail free card in six months (nay actually serving three) and probation. Truly convincing to not commit crime am I right? I do believe that people make mistakes and I believe Turner is probably not a bad person but it does not excuse the act. People get off easy like this all the time, we are blind to it because many cases don't receive the publicity this one has.Turners sentence was at first six years but was later decreased. Turners dad wrote a letter to the judge after the sentence of six years. The letter included this statement "Six years is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action." You, sir, have just objectified a woman that was victimized. Allow me to make clear the "action" was only on your sons side. An unconscious woman is not capable of taking action. Thankfully the judge was sympathetic to your letter where as I would not have been.
I have said this before the world is not a horrible place but how would one know that when all we see is negativity and it is impacting society. We have lost sight of whats important like the well-being of others and the safety of them. We now allow anyone to go into whichever bathroom they please. The examples of insanity in today's society goes on and on. Remember this though you are not required to follow the world. One small change leads to bigger and bigger changes. We are capable of a change, it takes only one person to start a fire that will spread. You could be the light that starts that fire. Do not let society consume you and change you. Put the kindness, benevolence, and goodwill back into the word humanity.