We've made it so far this year. It really does seem like yesterday when I was moving into my dorm, finally living with my best friend, excited to start my sophomore year of college. Now, it's a few weeks from finals, and I can see the souls of each of my peers slowly die every time they print a study guide, receive the final paper assignment, and take in just how much work is left before break.
But we can do this.
We only have a little bit left before we are free. As soon as we finish these little tests that mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, we can spend the entire day sleeping. Or watching Netflix. Or Christmas shopping. Or whatever we want to do. Because we'll have the time to. We're almost there.
I know it seems incredibly difficult and so far away, but we can do this. I was talking to one of my friends a few days ago, and she was telling me how she regretted taking one of her classes. We discussed it, and at the end of the conversation she told me something that I am using as my motivation for the next few weeks: "I refuse to let something a small as a class defeat me. I've got this."
Why should we let classes beat us? Why should allow something as minuscule (in the grand scheme of things) as a class break us down so much? Yes, finals are extremely difficult because there are so many huge tests occurring in the span of about a week, but that doesn't mean they need to turn us into the mess we become?
Because we shouldn't. It's perfectly fine to stay up and study and drink a little a lot more coffee than we usually do, but we shouldn't feel like it's the end of the world. Because it's not. This time will pass. It's only a week. One week full of insanity and concern for our grades and our lack of sleep, but after that we have to remember where we are and what is important. After that last test, finals will be over, and so will that class. If it is a class that caused you a lot of stress, you don't have to worry about it anymore. It will be over and behind you.
That's what we have to remember as we go into these next few weeks: we can do this. We cannot let a class defeat us and take so much out of us. I believe in each and every one of us to make it through these next few weeks.